Can you help?
Yes, I would like to support ARK with a donation!
The out-of-home care system in Australia is at breaking point. Around 48,000 kids are in out-of-home care in this country. More loving and stable families are needed so vulnerable kids have parents to raise them – and so they can have a chance at a hope and a future.
Your donation will help us in two ways:
It’ll help us get this message out! It’ll help us recruit families for kids, and it’ll help us resource families with what they need to provide well for these kids.
It’ll help us provide families in the ARK network with practical resources (prams, bikes, cots, etc.) when they need them, and placement packs (nappies, toothbrushes, books, soft toys, etc. for the kids to have as their own) when a new child is placed with them. Your generous donation makes this possible. So THANK YOU!
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